Elena interview on TV

Elena wywiad w telewizji WTK
Czy produkty spożywcze powinny być certyfikowane?

Fabryki w Polsce – Elena
Czym jest proces liofilizacji?

Watch us in the lens!

We present you a few realisations where you can see our products in several versions – advertising spots or interviews about healthy nutrition and healthy lifestyle.

We care deeply about the biggest audience possible to see this spot in different parts of the world, that is why our advertisements were on in TV Polonia. We believe that thanks to the interviews and possibilities to inform our reveivers about our products we contribute to changing attitude to nutrition and we encourage to changes lifestyle.

Program “Na zdrowie” poświęcony żywności liofilizowanej

Program “Na zdrowie” poświęcony suplementom Kolagenum

Warsztat Zdrowia – O Kolagenum i owocach liofilizowanych

Zdrowy Puls – Kolagenum

Suplement diety – Kolagenum